New affordable Avial e-Bikes equipped with a modular design frame built like an Airplane

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E-bikes tuning requires a new approach to the frame



Since childhood, we have been interested in vehicles, both in cars and motorcycles and in bicycles, and motor boats. Several times we successfully participated in the rally and in the race on the water. At the same time, regardless of whether we were preparing for competitions or for traveling out of town with friends, we tried to make each of our means of transportation faster, easier, more modern and manoeuvrable.

Recently, we have focused our interest on electric bikes. We were impressed with the transition to the rear drive motor a few years ago. This new technical solution slightly increased the weight of the bike, while leaving it friendly to the environment. And, what is important, the electric drive provided an opportunity to save time and energy both driving in the city and on nature trips.

We tried to expand the technical capabilities of our bikes, however, the use of new drives for tuning for the models we have at our disposal was largely limited by the frame parameters. To make changes to it welding was necessary, which not only required the additional equipment, but also wasn’t always useful for creating the required frame configuration.

Therefore, in order to gain new creative opportunities, we needed a bicycle frame with a new concept that would allow many easy implemented changes and improvements. The idea of such a frame has been in our mind since spring, however, it was fully embodied in the drawings only after visiting the EuroBike Show.

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