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Home > News > The front end of Cardigo bicycle slides forward relative to the rest

The front end of Cardigo bicycle slides forward relative to the rest



A bicycle Cardigo provides a fun way to get your daily dose of aerobic exercise while being outdoors. Its front-end slides forward relative to the rest of the bike, helping to propel it while also reportedly offering more of a full-body workout.

Designed by cyclist Dan Ogden, the stainless steel-framed Cardigo can be pedalled just like a normal bicycle. Turning a knob on the top tube, however, allows the rider to push the front end forward by 10 inches (25 cm) then pull it back in again – ball bearings keep the movement smooth. Pushing it forward turns a chain drive that engages the main drivetrain, thus augmenting or even replacing the rider’s pedalling power.

A new patent-pending bicycle concept is looking to further add to the cardiovascular benefits of cycling with a design that “unlocks the full-body workout potential of the bicycle”. “Why be constrained to using the lower portion of your body when you could be getting a full-body workout. This motion not only gives resistance to help you get the workout you were looking for, but it also propels the bicycle forwards,” says Cardigo.

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